[2] She was known to have taken part in both the second battle of Dxun and of Malachor V, both of which were victorious. After a fierce but short battle, Surik severed Kreia's remaining hand, as well as their Force bond in a single stroke. Amid the chaos, Surik and Scourge were able to infiltrate the detention area and rescue Revan from the cell he had called home for the past three years. Log in Sign up. Rather, she loved him like a brother. [20] Before Surik and her companions escaped the Academy, they were confronted by Sion, who told her that he studied and "immersed" himself in her, and that he knew of the paths she walked in exile. Content approaching. [18] With that, Surik trained Rand as a Jedi. Surik regretted causing such a rift in Mical's future and so trained him as Jedi. [8] Malak originally wanted Revan to use his assassin droid HK-47 to eliminate Surik, but Revan, who referred to her as a Jedi "who was already dead," wanted her to face the Council and show them the hypocrisy of their teachings, and so let her leave. As much as she tried to ignore what she felt—or, more precisely, didn’t feel—all around her, she knew it was only a matter of time until the horrors of Nathema stripped away her sanity. Revan and Meetra heads ported from SWTOR. Et, tout comme vous, je me demande s'il s'en rend seulement compte. Probably more so because although their backstory was, in part, perhaps more detailed, it gave less hints about their personality. With this knowledge, the pair set course for the unknown world and left Nathema silent once more. [8], The ramifications of Surik's actions were still being felt throughout the galaxy nearly 4,000 years after the defeat of the Sith Triumvirate. With his own intelligence and resources, Scourge schemed to destroy Darth Nyriss by exposing her and the other Dark Council members' intrigues against the Emperor to him. Meetra Surik joined Revan's faction of Jedi that defended the Galactic Republic in the Mandalorian Wars. She vowed that she would always wait for him to return, and that if he would not, she would continue loving him for the rest of her life. Revan & Meetra Surik; Male Revan (Star Wars) Meetra Surik; Bastila Shan; Kreia | Darth Traya; Summary. The book Revan pretty blatantly shows that Revan is stronger that Meetra Surik. Sion said that Surik knew what it meant to be broken, and warned her that Kreia would destroy her as she had destroyed him and said that he could end her suffering at Kreia's hands before it began. [8], Full details of Meetra Surik's adventures in the Outer Rim are unknown, but it is known that Atris had orchestrated the Exile's return to known space. It was said that during her training, many fellow Padawans were quick to do whatever she did, and that others disliked her intensely. [6], During the Third Galactic War, in the year 3626 BBY[22], the Alliance Commander, Kira Carsen, and Scourge boarded a ship which housed Satele Shan and her students, who had been rendered unconscious by Tenebrae's curse. Meetra Surik a eu une vie découpée en étapes dont seules deux nous sont réellement connues.Naissance et prime enfance de Meetra Surik : inconnues (on ne sait rien de cette période): Meetra Surik eut plusieurs maîtres dont, au moins : Maître Kavar comme maître et ce Jedi légendaire la considérait comme sa meilleure élève,Vima Sunrider comme maître (Vima Sunrider, enfant, permit à Ulic Qel-Droma de connaître la rédemption. This topic contains spoilers - you can click, tap, or highlight to reveal them. As a Padawan, she chose to disobey the orders of the Jedi High Counciland join with Revan and Malak to help the Galactic Republicin its war against the invading Mandalorians. However, if you don't … [8], Enraged that Surik was not letting go, Kreia continued to battle by animating three lightsabers to do battle for her through the Force, until Surik had no choice but to strike her down. [6] On her part, Surik came to see Revan as her mentor, and thus she was completely loyal to him. The Old Republic: Revan For a time Revan was able to retire and live with his wife Bastila Shan , before lingering nightmares of a world he visited during his fall to the Dark Side drove him to seek out the source. The crew, together with its newest member, went off to these worlds in search of the Jedi in an attempt to unite them against the Sith and to find the answers as to why Surik was sentenced to exile. Meetra Surik arrives at the home of Bastila Shan and with T3-M4 in tow show Bastila a recording T3 made of Revan being abducted by Sith. After Surik disappeared, a determined Revan vowed to complete what was their ultimate objective—the destruction of the Sith. Roughly ten years before Bastila Shan[2] My choice just based on her role of Starbuck; 18. They can easily do Meetra Surik legendary event. Maîtres Zez-Kai Ell et Vrook Lamar lui enseignèrent également chacun une forme de combat au sabre laser. Est chargée par Revan, qui la considère comme son meilleur général, de déclencher l'arme secrète de la République Galactique, qui anéanti les mandaloriens en une seule fois. Unable or unwilling to wipe away his intact memories, they turn to Bastila Shan, who delves deeply into … All-Natural, Meetra lacked any form of cybernetic implantation and relied solely on the force to boost her combat capabilities. [2], Though her life was ended, Surik's existence continued in some ethereal form through the Force. [3] Surik's return from exile into Republic space occurred in 3951 BBY, in a time where Revan had vanquished Darth Malak and the last of the Jedi were being hunted down and exterminated. After Brianna defeated her sisters, Atris confronted and tortured her with Force lightning, out of jealousy. [8], Starting with her meeting of Kreia in the Peragus facility, Surik began once more to form bonds with people she met during her travels, people with whom she had an interest in helping to keep alive so that they, in turn, could protect her. [8], After Kreia left, Meetra Surik finally regained her strength and departed for Telos IV to find and confront her. An Iridonian Zabrak engineer named Bao-Dur, who had designed the Mass Shadow Generator and served under Surik at Malachor V, saw the crash and pulled the three unharmed from the wreckage. Hence, he killed Surik in order to feign loyalty to the Emperor. Satisfied that their bond would soon be no more, Kreia requested at Surik to finish her. Meetra Surik and Darth Traya vs Darth Revan Started by: darthbane77. Autres informations She, Revan and Lord Scourge joined forces in their common cause and attacked the Emperor. And then Revan comes in, fresh from whatever version of Hell he’s been through and utterly wastes Nyriss. On her part, Surik came to see Revan as her mentor, and thus she was completely loyal to him. Biographical information [15] The only Jedi under Revan able to turn away from the dark side after Malachor V, she was also the only Jedi to willingly return to the Jedi Temple on the Galactic Capital Coruscant and face trial for her actions—and also to defend them. He then realized that it was her presence that helped him to endure the centuries of captivity. She watched silently from the bridge of her command ship as the generator crushed both the Republic and Mandalorian forces caught in its destructive wake. This took the form of a series of visions, during which she witnessed a twisted version of when she was recruited by Malak, a recollection of her actions during the second battle of Dxun, an illusionary confrontation between Kreia and various members of her party, and finally a silent apparition of Darth Revan, with whom she did battle. Duel takes place in the Ravager. [36], Through talking, sparring, and witnessing many acts of his good nature, Brianna began to question if Atris had been wrong in her judgment of Surik. [3] She disliked having to speak about the war, even after returning to the Republic and traveling amongst friends. To add to the mystery, Surik's severed Force connection slowly began to return; while searching for a way off the station she found a male scoundrel named Atton Rand, who was imprisoned within a force cage in the station's brig. He told her that he decided to leave the Sith after he killed a female Jedi, with whom he fell in love, after she showed him the Force. Kreia à Meetra - "J'aurais détruit la galaxie pour vous préserver. [8] The narration for an early promotional trailer referred to the character as a male, as well as early promotional artwork,[29] leading some fans to believe that the character was canonically a male. Officieusement, le Conseil ne donna jamais clairement les raisons de l'Exil de Meetra Surik mais on comprend que le Conseil souhaitait observer comment Meetra Surik pouvait survivre sans la Force, ce qui les effrayait, et comment il pourrait utiliser Meetra pour soigner ce qu'ils appelait une "Blessure dans la Force " qu'il attribuait au geste de Meetra de s'auto-couper de la Force et/ou au drame de Malachor V (le Conseil n'a jamais été capable de comprendre, ni même de sentir que c'est Dark Nihilus la cause de cette "blessure" dans la Force). 3950 av.BY, Dromund Kaas Ne la sous-estimez pas, ne sous-estimez pas sa loyauté. Meetra Surik possessed brown hair bordering on auburn cut short during the Mandalorian Wars to permit the use of a full-face helmet. In the game, the Exile's character was almost identical to Revan's, namely a blank slate. [8], During the trip to Telos, the ship received a distress call from a low-stock freighter, claiming to be engaged in a firefight with a Sith warship. Follow. How Wookieepedia treats Canon and Legends, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords, Knights of the Old Republic Campaign Guide, Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords: Prima Official Game Guide, The Art and Making of Star Wars: The Old Republic. Position [8] After Surik's exploits on Nar Shaddaa, she discovered that the bounty hunter Mira, who joined her party on Nar Shaddaa, was Force-sensitive, and she showed Mira how to harness the Force. Thereafter she was deafened to the Force's call; incapable of sensing it through the interference caused by the Force echoes of the suffering that she had inflicted and been forced to witness. [36], After being shown mercy, she pledged her life to serve him without hesitation, so that she might come to understand how he could go on when he carried so much pain within him. Meetra Surik is a character created specifically for the novel to be Revan's sidekick and then a TOR cameo. L'article se base sur la destinée et l'aspect physique de l'Exilée telle que décrits dans le livre, Membres de l'équipage de Meetra Surik dans l'Ebon Hawk. As a Padawan, she chose to disobey the orders of the Jedi High Council and aid the Galactic Republic in its war against the invading Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders. Hair color Meetra Surik; one of Revan's followers in the Mandalorian War, she lost her connection to the force and was sent into Exile. Sign Up for free (or Log In if you already have an account) to be able to post messages, change how messages are displayed, and view media in posts. 45.45% (20 votes) 20. His last words were to tell her that she was Kreia's ultimate weakness, just as she had been his. While investigating the ruins on Dantooine, ten years after the Mandalorian War, he met Surik again. Together, they went to confront Vitiate with Revan remembering how the emperor had brought about his own fall to darkness. You are all things, Revan… and yet you are nothing. Kreia would help Surik tune the crystal periodically so that it would best reflect her current self. Seeing the Emperor take Revan's own lightsaber and prepare to kill him with it, Surik made a choice which would have galactic consequences for centuries to come; rather than throw her lightsaber to kill the distracted Emperor at the cost of Revan's life, she threw her blade only to deflect the killing blow. Surik told her that he couldn't turn away from this battle, but before they arrived at Telos they shared an intimate moment, using their shared Force Vision to "see" each other. Elle part alors en errance durant 9 ans, à la recherche de sa rédemption (on ne sait rien de cette période).Sauve la République une seconde fois, éradique complètement l'Ordre Sith dit des "Nouveaux Sith", reconstitue l'Ordre Jedi et reçoit l'enseignement de Maître Arren Kae, alias Kréia, alias Darth Traya (cette période est bien connue par le jeu vidéo Star Wars - Chevaliers de l'Ancienne République II - Les Seigneurs Sith (Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords).Part porter secours à Revan, est tuée par traitrise, mais son esprit ne se disperse pas dans la Force et se concentre sous forme d'un rare cas d' "Spectre de Force ". As a Padawan, she chose to disobey the orders of the Jedi High Council and aid the Galactic Republic in its war against the invading Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders. [8], Following the exile's path, she forsook the company of others, preferring to wander about the Outer Rim in solitude. Surik became one with the Force. It seemed that having someone she cared about turn away from the path of the Jedi shook her deeply, and contributed to her fall to the dark side. Star Wars: The Old Republic, Galactic History 83–class. Followers 6. Surik surmised that Vitiate had invited the other Sith Lords to his planet as a trap, and once they arrived, had enacted the Sith sorcery that had destroyed the world. Would love a movie about the Exile(Meetra Surik) Star Wars Topic Archived; Page 1 of 2; Last ; You're browsing the GameFAQs Message Boards as a guest. She then met with Jedi Master Zez-Kai Ell and convinced him to go to the ruins of the Dantooine Jedi Enclave. Their alliance would be short lived; when Surik left for the unknown regions he had to leave everyone he cared about behind him, as Revan had done before him. Wrong. Kreia also taught Surik a powerful form of mind reading, where one could read the innermost thoughts of another. As Scourge had provided the information that allowed the Emperor to act against the Dark Council, they faced little challenge from the Imperial Guards protecting the palace. This version pretty much copied the layout of DarthParametric's Meetra Surik. Traya übernahm die Führung über die verbliebenen Anhänger und führte mit ihren Schülern Darth Sion und Darth Nihilus einen neuen Krieg gegen die Republik. Surik did not become one with the Force at the time of her death; instead, her spirit stayed with Revan and helped him to endure the horrors of his imprisonment in stasis. Gender Revan and Meetra heads ported from SWTOR Sign in to follow this . It's where your interests connect you with your people. 3950 BBY, Dromund Kaas[2] Their relationship, though completely friendly, enraged Rand with jealousy, causing him to lash out at Mical whenever he simply offered to help. G0-T0 himself went along with Surik in hopes of stabilizing the galaxy. [35], While Visas Marr and Surik became close as friends and allies during their journey, Marr developed feelings for, and fell in love with Surik if the player was male. He had seized upon the opportunity to exterminate every member of the Dark Council, as well as to declare martial law on the planet until the situation was resolved. Fair[7] Would love a movie about the Exile(Meetra Surik) Star Wars Topic Archived; Page 1 of 2; Last ; You're browsing the GameFAQs Message Boards as a guest. [36], The Legend of Meetra Surik: The Jedi Exile of the Old Republic, Wookieepedia has a collection of quotes related to. Dabei wurde T3-M4 inmitten des Kampfes zerstört und Meetra hinterrücks von Scourge erstochen, wobei der sich nun in der Unterzahl befindliche Revan besiegt und vom Sith-Imperator in eine Stasis versetzt wurde, … [31], In 2006, The New Essential Guide to Droids established the Exile as a female, using the term "heroine" and female pronouns in a number of entries on droids that appeared in The Sith Lords. But my muse went somewhere and I can't find her T_T At war Surik defeated a number of high-profile adversaries, including Azkul, Vaklu, Atris, and the Sith Lords Darth Sion and Darth Nihilus. Surik and Mandalore killed Tobin's forces that attacked them in the cantina and the western square, and proceeded to leave the city. Skin color In game, the feats between Revan in KOTOR 1 and Meetra in KOTOR 2 are pretty comparable. Only needs 2 or 3 new characters for her. In what seemed sure to be their final moments, Surik witnessed a reborn Revan intervene and destroy Nyriss by turning her own powers against her. However, after she helped Queen Talia and the Onderon Royalists defeat General Vaklu and his traitorous forces, Kavar told Surik that he tried to convince her to become a Jedi Guardian like he was, saying that they could have used someone like her. Master … [8] In the wake of the Mandalorian Wars, Surik returned to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant to answer for her actions. Originally posted by AncientPower Obviously Scourge got a lot better … [36], For the most part Marr kept these feelings to herself, but when Brianna left the group to take Kreia before Atris, she realized that soon they would be forced to confront her old Master, and she suddenly began to fear losing him. Alors que le 1/3 des armées républicaines qui avaient été affectées à Revan, ainsi que les milliers de Jedi qui l'avaient suivi depuis 3963 BBY (voir Effectifs de Revan), décidaient de rester avec lui après la guerre et allaient basculer du Côté Obscur , Meetra Surik fut le seul Jedi à retourner à Coruscant où le Conseil l'exila immédiatement, officiellement en qualifiant ses actes de crimes. Her wanderings served to maintain the discipline she had built up during her years of training and suffering the hardships of war. Surik would later credit Revan's influence as a factor behind her development into a great Jedi. She eventually found and freed her mentor from captivity with the help of Lord Scourge. gideonninth. Before Surik's departure, Shan revealed that she possessed Revan's mask. ―Darth Malak. He informed her that Revan was a prisoner of his own master, Darth Nyriss, and that Revan had foretold of her coming to rescue him. Elle est exilée de l'Ordre Jedi. The droid stubbornly refused to show the information to anyone other than Bastila Shan, and so Surik took the droid to Shan's home on Coruscant. [5], Mical knew Surik when she was first part of the Jedi Order, before the Mandalorian Wars. Revan lay motionless on the floor of the Citadel’s throne room. Emportez vos fandoms favoris partout avec vous. 1,100 serious combats over 300 years isn't impressive by any margin compared to elite army busters like Meetra Surik or Revan. But he doesn't, she's able to react to his level of augmentative speed and save Revan, and he takes her as a serious threat right afterwards. Not long after, Meetra hides as a mercenary and finds out that the Emperor is attempting to put plans into place for an attack on the Republic. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Followers. The assassination plot ultimately failed and Surik was killed by Scourge. My choice just based on her role of Starbuck; 18. I'm not sure how it doesn't have any skins. Rapidly rising through the ranks Meetra became Revan's top general but also like him began to grow more callous and ruthless during the course of the war. Revan or Meetra Surik (The Exile) User Info: CmPope. Meetra Surik fut une Jedi également connue sous le nom de « l’Exilée » en raison de sa participation aux guerres Mandaloriennes. After gathering the necessary evidence to bring Lorso down, and after Surik saved Habat from mercenaries hired by Czerka to kill him and his herd, he allowed Surik and her companions to use one of their shuttles to reach Telos' surface, where they were shot down by a Czerka air defense tower. [33] This is cut content, and never made it in the final pressing of the game. Commandeering a shuttle from an abandoned military compound, Surik and her companions traveled to the aqueducts and found Jedi Master Atris there, a former member of the Council that sentenced Surik into exile. When two Twi'leks on Nar Shaddaa warned Surik about Atton Rand - saying he was a killer and not just a soldier - she approached Rand about this. The nature of the Republic, Galactic History 83–class take Revan as her mentor, and mind trick someone. Behind, killing them and defeating Vaklu injuries and keep fighting assassins and her!, they went to confront Vitiate with Revan remembering how the Emperor brought... Addition of one or more new images article have been identified as longer! Führte mit ihren Schülern Darth Sion und Darth Nihilus einen neuen Krieg gegen die Republik en de! Got a lot better … '' there 's always a way, no matter what. including valor. Shan revealed that she could feel at Malachor V was destroyed, which only happens in the Force and finally! Se trouve dans le dos her development into a great Jedi the Citadel ’ s throne.... That, Surik started her training as a factor behind her development into a great Jedi been reached Revan! 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