If you hear this CEO nonsense then you can instantly know two things: first, the pastor’s wage is massive; second, you are being scammed. It will only transfer the magical power to the wearer. Historians wondered how a man without education was able to lead a bunch of nomads to conquer peoples and empires which were “further advanced”. The symbol is the dextrogyre swastika which is believed to have positive effects. Well this article exposes how they do it, extracting money from their congregations to fund their lifestyles. Magical rings are endowed with special beneficial powers to be transferred on to the wearer. Jewellery - I do like a bit of crystal bling whether in the form of bracelets, pendants, earrings or rings and I even have a brooch or two. Magical rings have been worn for protection for generation after generation. This powerful magical ring is requested by all different types of people from all different ways of life. They commit the sin of the Pharisees and appoint themselves as middle men between God and you. It is a mystic Chinese ring with anciet Chinese secret powers. Not all visiting church speakers are on the circuit, the difference is in the amount of money their visit extracts. CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE ABOUT AND ORDER THE MAGICAL PANCHRATNA HEALING RING, PLEASE SEND ALL YOUR ENQUIRIES, SPECIAL REQUESTS AND PAYMENT OPTIONS, A Site designed and maintained by XAH technologies. They made all their money by following the dream, proving that you can too. These men want to be at the head of everything, they want to dominate you, they want to be seen as the big man, and some even secretly desire adoration (almost worship). You are about to discover how these spiritual vampires feed…. Success in court affairs, employment, promotions, long life, fame, comfort, honor, good health, protection from evil planets, spirits and enemies, success in examinations and increase in personal influence. Magical rings can be endowed with any number of special abilities that are requested by ordinary people that need special magical aid in their lives. Gosh, if only He had some books to sell at the back…. As for fashion, the pinky finger doesn't have important meanings in most religions or culture, making it a good choice for making a statement. Some magical rings are more magical than others because of the material or the stone in which the ring is made from. We covered the obvious points of excessive wages and extravagant perks, and that was followed by the not so obvious problem of nepotism. We’ve all been approached at some time by a friend caught up in the hope of multilevel marketing. The ring had a ruby engraved with a magic symbol and it was worn by both Genghis Khan as well as by his nephew, Kublai Khan. The pastors of these money focused churches fight to own the most impressive church to top their rival pastors – their egos demand that they are the king of the heap. One of these cultic patterns is the division of the church into exclusive rings: the all-powerful pastor perched at the center, the inner-ring of sycophants around him consisting of the pastor’s lieutenants and the church’s privileged class (the rich, the famous and the very pretty), and the outer-ring of the ordinary folk who would love to be in the inner-ring, but are not. Use these gemstones for true changes to your life using gemstone therapies. You will be glad you did after receiving the powerful, magical benefits given to you by the magical ring. Star of the microcosm, magic wand and sword, all mysterious of the magic, all symbols of the gnosis, all figures of occult, all kabbalastic keys of prophecy and inscription on this Egptian Pentagram Protection Ring for success in every sphere and walk of life. For we brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of it. If it is excessive, then watch him dodge the issue like a sweaty politician. Each ring is made for your specific needs once you have requested it. In the worst money hungry churches you’re expected to buy them, and it is noticed if you don’t. There are different magical rings to ensure attraction of the opposite sex. In mythology, It was the weapon of Zeus. A pastor is not a CEO no matter how big his church empire is; a CEO runs a for monetary-profit organization, a pastors serves the people of God – they are not the same thing. There are many magical rings all having different magical and planetary powers that are drawn into the ring and then transferred over to the owner for the specific magical reason or purpose. The rings are made from either gold or silver. This is normal. They want to be both pastor and master. Pierced earrings first made their debut in the Middle East as early as 3,000 B.C. They are very popular magical rings. This was not a wedding. Decanted, sanctified and prepared mainly for students and kids to have retentive memory, clear understanding, pure thoughts and actions, to gain success in their examinations, tests and in the field of sports. Members in the church who show loyalty to their pastor’s businesses are rewarded, often with increased standing in the church. Be aware that conferences and seminars are designed to emotionally hype these products. The Magical Kabira childrens ring is also used to gain success in examination and tests. This magical attraction ring can be used either by women or men to attraction the love or attention they are seeking to find. Magic rings can be endowed with any number of abilities like finding love and healing which are two of the most common uses of magical rings. Its opposite is the sinistrogyre swastika which was used by Hitler. Finally we discussed the spiritual carrot and stick of the false authority that the pastors claim. You can find different rings with a different levels of protection. Don’t you want to be part of us? Especially stop if you hear any of this “CEO” rubbish. According to the same theory, Egyptians are regarded to be the descendants of these people. Ignore any pressure to live beyond your means. Another way the pastor uses his inner-ring to extract cash, is via high pressure offering talks in the church services. In the temple courts he found men selling cattle, sheep and doves, and others sitting at tables exchanging money. If you think tithing is for Christians today, then you need to read TithingDebate.com, Tip: If you are struggling to feed your family or buy them clothes, then understand that you do not need to give to the church. Using this method pastors have been “given”: diamond rings for their wives, cash gifts, jet skis, luxury cruises, motorbikes, cars, holidays, boats, and a myriad of other expensive luxury items. Pls their better things that one can do wit time than 4 u to observe irrelevant things. But this was to change when Pastors wanted their Churches to … Tithing was part of the old law (of Moses) which was fulfilled (completed) by Jesus. If you sit back and think about it, you will quickly see what a con it is. As for the ring of Genghis Khan, many Asian archaeologists as well as politicians are still looking for it. The spiritual reward for going is implied to be life changing. The Satanic panic is a moral panic about alleged widespread Satanic ritual abuse which originated around the 1980s in the United States, peaking in the early 1990s, before waning as a result of scepticism of academics and law enforcement agencies who ultimately debunked the claims. They seek to dominate your life; often implying that they have say in where you work, where you fellowship, who you marry, and of course, when, where, and how much you should give. The power of those in the inner-ring is determined by the amount of favor the pastor bestows upon them. This ring is endowed with a number of abilities using magical powers. Attract me quick! Remember, your duty is to your family first. We can unknowingly have ornamental objects, books or ornaments (idols) that pertain to false religions, cults, the occult and any other thing pertaining to Satan’s kingdom such as evil CDs, records, books, etc. This cross ring or pendant was first introduced to the world by the KING OF KINGS JESUS CHRIST, in the holy land of BETHLEHEM. This is a mystic ring made and used for children. Their Golden Goose. Today, this pride comes to you in the form of a magic magic lion king ring. Money focused churches tend to be run on cultic patterns. For who is greater, the one who is at the table or the one who serves? Important Note: As you read please remember that very few pastors use the techniques you are about to discover. The products are, well you guessed it: books, tapes, DVDs, and conferences, and t-shirts, and most ominously spiritual rewards and the prevention of spiritual punishments. It literally got millions of children and adults learning about witchcraft and the occult. Each magic ring is made magical by mystical powers that are drawn into the ring. As for the ring, an explanation is that it follows the principles of radionics which can have positive or negative effects on the individual who wears it. I hope now you will be able to spot this counterfeit Christian life and be able to transition into a closer walk with Jesus; a walk built on love, trust and grace, not fear. In these pastor’s prosperity teaching, obeying the pastor and giving money are the two pillars necessary for a successful Christian life. Some say that if they are preaching the “prosperity gospel”, then they have to appear prosperous to “walk their talk”. Actual product looks different. The very air upon which they breathe! Attraction of the opposite sex is one of the mainly used needs for a mystical magical ring. Do you see how rich our leaders are? Members are instructed to wear expensive clothes and groom themselves in the manner expected of the rich. This is familiar. PLEASE NOTE: This article exposes the secret methods certain pastors use to get rich off God’s people. Another variation on this scam is the church trust being controlled by the pastor and his family, so they control both the church’s cash and property. You will learn enough to protect your friends and family. Next we talked about how spiritually dishonest pastors set up their own businesses that their followers are expected to patronize. In mythology, It was the weapon of Zeus. These wannabes practice hard and desperately seek in-circuit patrons because the financial rewards are significant. The most impressive churches require the most magnificent buildings, the most professional entertainment in their services, the best church programs, and the best conferences, the best websites, the best radio and TV programs, and the most members. Highly concentrated, it takes two weeks for preparation. Their speaking fees and perks are why these conferences cost so much, and can sometimes even run at a, ahem, cough, “loss”. Freedom from all sorts of debts etc. If he will not reveal the information then stop giving to that church until it is revealed. It is as if you never signed it. We exposed the scam of siphoning the church’s cash into properties and assets owned by the pastor. Question this doctrine and watch these money hungry pastors bare their fangs. Satanic Cross - Upside down question mark that questions the Deity of God. No honest pastor would have a problem with his congregation knowing how much their church pays him, or at least what range his wage fell in, like say “between $50,000 and $60,000”. Instead, the greatest among you should be like the youngest, and the one who rules like the one who serves. There is nothing wrong with a speaker’s flights and accommodation being paid for, along with the speaker receiving a fair payment for his time. At the time, everybody was surprised because of the fact that the curse of King Tut’s tomb did not affect the archaeologist. Are the pastor’s relatives high up in the church? But now, by dying to what once bound us, we have been released from the law so that we serve in the new way of the Spirit, and not in the old way of the written code. For all objects or any one in particular by invoking 9 planets for your lifetime. But it is valid to protest false doctrine by refusing to fund the system that promotes that false doctrine. Money you can take and invest in genuine works of God, or in toys for your kids, or perhaps something shiny for your spouse. Genghis Khan knew how to take advantage of Mongolian magic. In this way, treasures are not always large gold hoards or mountains of precious stones. If you are seeking success from work or business or anything to further your wealth, you will be looking at the Magic Mahalaxmi Ring. – 2 Corinthians 4:2. Contact me today to get started toward attracting and ensuring your magical love match today. Members are required to appear happy and successful. Some magical rings possess a more powerful energy than others rings mainly because of the type of material that goes into them. These objects represent Satan and therefore we need to cleanse our homes of them. The ring had a ruby engraved with a magic symbol and it was worn by both Genghis Khan as well as by his nephew, Kublai Khan. If anyone does not provide for his relatives, and especially for his immediate family, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever. This magical ring will draw into it the powers of protection for the one wearing the ring. Originally cra… I would not like to be in their shoes when they finally meet our Lord, or for that matter anywhere within the blast radius. The Magic Nizami ring is one such ring for this purpose. Also was worn by the feared SS of Nazi Germany. The dream is the prosperity gospel. A very powerful and effective love ring for both men and women, packed with immense powers. They “lord it over” their flocks. Protection is a very popular reason or purpose for having a magical ring. Soon you will be so rich that you can buy a flash European car and give stacks of money to Godly causes. The business they are pushing is simple, sell toothpaste or web sites or whatever, and then recruit people under you doing the same, taking a cut from their sales. They always wore it on the right hand, on the forefinger. They couldn’t demand the gift openly themselves, but seek plausible deniability by having their inner-ring lieutenants do the work. On the contrary, by setting forth the truth plainly we commend ourselves to every man’s conscience in the sight of God. You will discover the secret techniques that certain pastors use to transfer money out of your pocket and into theirs. Solomon considered the ring lost forever until a fisherman returned it to him. However, nobody has found Solomon’s tomb yet. Like many other pagan symbols, the ring has been adopted into Christian ceremonies and rites.There is no biblical reference decreeing the wedding ring as a requirement. Help us get the word out there. And if you give, then give to honor God and not out of fear of punishment or greed for financial gain. Historians wondered how a man without education was able to lead a bunch of nomads to conquer peoples and empires which were “further advanced”. Using the connection they claim to have with God they threaten you with the stick of spiritual curses if you disobey them, and dangle the carrot of spiritual blessings if you comply. It’s big business. Your Counter Strategy: If you feel you are being compelled to give then don’t give a penny, no matter how much pressure is applied. Behind every successful man, there is an EGYPTIAN POWER PROTECTION RING. Freedom from debts and debtors is another purpose or need for this magical ring. Their matrix (into which they want to plug you). Worn to have power over others. An ancient Chinese kavacha good luck ring with supernatural powers that control fortunes of each one of us. Today, the ring is known as “the ring of Ra” and it is believed that it was originally designed by the people of the lost city of Atlantis. Well, in the next section you’re going to find out…. I believe it is reasonable to assume that Paul the Apostle meant only fair wages, not excessive wages, and that Paul would have agreed with what Peter the Apostle wrote: To the elders among you, I appeal as a fellow elder, a witness of Christ’s sufferings and one who also will share in the glory to be revealed: Be shepherds of God’s flock that is under your care, serving as overseers-not because you must, but because you are willing, as God wants you to be; not greedy for money, but eager to serve; not lording it over those entrusted to you, but being examples to the flock. Long-time Baba devotees, Faye and David Bailey, have massively exposed him as a colossal fraud from their own experiences and by collating evidence from countless others who have seen that Baba is a manufactured myth. Some are so bad that my friends and I have been in hysterics, like the preacher whose proofs for his latest invented doctrine is to slap the bible he’s carrying and say, “It’s bible, it’s bible!”. Unexpected wealth, business, prosperity and improvement in monetary affairs. They always wore it on the right hand, on the forefinger. The bookshop is the most common, often located inside the church itself. Please contact me today and let me get started on your Magic Egyptian Pentagram Ring. There are many different types of ring for a wide array of purposes or needs, let this Mahalaxmi ring take care of your monetary worries or situations today. They seek to replace the Holy Spirit in your life. If you’ve ever been to a high pressure time-share sales session, then you will know what it’s like. Make sure you read our article “Should you give? are powerful rings that have been cast with a magic spell. Your Counter Strategy: Stop giving to that church until they change their ways. Your Counter Strategy: Check who owns your church’s property. Demand transparent accounting to the whole church of all costs of visiting speakers, and for that matter transparency about any income your pastor is earning while speaking at other churches and conferences. If they do, then God will bless them for any offerings they make to the church organization beyond this ten percent. Then the inner-ringers will squeeze the outer-ringers for the money to buy this item. The Magical Saviour Cross Ring enables the wearer protection against witchcraft, voodoo, juju and black magic. Their favorite Malachi verses cannot be used for Christians since Christians are not under the law of Moses. This magical Lion King ring is made for the purpose of boosting esteem and having a greater sense of confidence. One of these cultic patterns is the division of the church into exclusive rings: the all-powerful pastor perched at the center, the inner-ring of sycophants around him consisting of the pastor’s lieutenants and the church’s privileged class (the rich, the famous and the very pretty), and the outer-ring of the ordinary folk who would love to be in the inner-ring, but are not. Each speaker is completely amazing. This Chinese Good Luck magical ring is endowed with supernatural powers that have the ability to control fortunes, protection and ensure good luck to the individual for which it was made. Once you order this ring, please make sure to wear it always. 237 Followers, 28 Following, 10841 pins - See what Deah Nicole (jrseyswtheart) has discovered on Pinterest, the world's biggest collection of ideas. Realize that a number of churches follow the patterns that this article exposes. The ring was not only precious, but also magical. The version of tithing they teach cannot be found in Scripture (see below). The next best thing to the second coming. Next comes the ever popular DVD. Revisit this article regularly to discover these methods in future updates. But the Bible does not teach that Christians are bound to their local church organization, this idea is foreign to Scripture. But if they do not give ten percent gross, then they are stealing from God and God will curse them.”. This picture is for illustrative purposes only. One of the most popular purposes or needs for a magical ring is for wealth. Then buy it, otherwise save your money. From my experience with both the cults and these money focused churches, it is my impression that instead of being looked upon with love, these pastors see their congregation as farm animals to be milked. Free to keep more of the money that you have worked hard for. One of these rings is the Asha Sidhi Ring. Ask questions about who owns them, and where their customers are from, if eighty percent or more of the customers come from the pastor’s church then that indicates where its marketing is targeted. It’s going to be awesome. Prepared with the help of ancient Chinese secret formulas and Chinese principles. Tucumã is the name of an Amazon palm tree of which the wood is used to make a black ring supposedly worn by blacks at the time of the Brazilian Empire in the absence of their masters’ gold ring. It is a special remedy for well-being or overall specific desires. Left Ring Finger. Let’s drill in and discuss some of the products and techniques they use to line their pockets with money that ought to have stayed with God’s people or gone to legitimate good works. Tithing in the old testament does not match what these pastors preach – this unique tithe teaching is of their own invention. Ask people who have worked closely with him for 20 years and more. You’ll soon realize that these wolfs in sheep’s clothing have been a blight on Christianity throughout its history. We examined how most of the money gained is used to build the pastor’s modern day cathedrals, projects that their fragile egos demand. Love, health, healing, protection and career success are only a few of the most commonly used magical rings. It is one of the most powerful, popular magical rings available. “A form of disguise or concealment usually worn over or in front of the face to hide the identity of a person and by its own features to establish another being.” In other words, the wearing of a mask represents an occult transformation — a human alchemy, if you will — from one role to another. It will ensure success in court affairs, employment, promotions and anything pertaining to your career choices or advancements. – Luke 22:24-27, I call God as my witness that it was in order to spare you that I did not return toCorinth. Understand that these cultic churches ultimately exist to serve their pastor’s insecure egos, and their congregation suffer under their madness. Most of which are videos of the leader preaching in his church on a certain topic. The ring had a ruby engraved with a magic symbol and it was worn by both Genghis Khan as well as by his nephew, Kublai Khan. Power protection ring is such an important subject that Cultwatch has a special magical ring believed... Desperately seek in-circuit patrons because the financial rewards are significant their visit extracts aids in all types of situations... His church on a certain topic these guys use to transfer money out of it, but to. They are to ensure attraction of the church ’ s are awful not! Of church culture breeds a harsh environment where people are discarded as as. A sense of confidence s leaders ’ s are awful, not pulled by the Egyptologist marquis ’! 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