It was one date and done, but I occasionally every blue moon thought of her and how she was doing these days. Sometimes I feel really light when I remember I am free from all the bullshit. In the end, though, I won. Everything was great in the beginning, almost too good to be true (I should have noticed the red flags then!). His point is, that the traditional psychoanalytical approaches are very much applicable to all the neurotics (people with emotions, insane or healthy), BUT NOT THE DISTURBED CHARATERS, BECAUSE DEEP DOWN IMPLYES THEIR ACTING ON SUBCONCIOUS, AND THESE CHARACTERS KNOW EXACTLY WHAT THEY ARE DOING, THUS ACT CONCIOUSLY. She soon tired of his parasitic ways and attitude and I told him no way to him moving back in with me. I was told by a female lawyer friend of mine that I have more than enough in my text messages to and from her concerning the exchange of the $3,000 to win in court. You both deserve better. What a reward, huh? Youd love it. He lost. Im so confused. I hope that youre adjusting period at (in respect to home life) goes a bit more smoothly than it sounds in the near future. he tried to seperate me and my daughter . I tend to be biased, I guess, because my Ex is one of the malignant ones, and I often leave out the fact that not all Narcissists are as sadistic as my Ex. What did he do? Thats the handicap. I suppose it also really bummed me out that whenever she would walk away, I would play chicken with her to see if she would come back before I would. Im not sure he actually paid attention to what I looked like, but one thing is for sure, I didnt look like that all the time when we were together. I want him out but no success so far. Now another gold ring is been missing and he denies it. Thank you Eden, That helps me a lot. Myself When i look back and know all this now, i can say that i am recovering as we speak from the 3th N relationship. And he will never change. The initial part maybe not so bad since I thought he meant what he said about saving our marriage. As soon as you know what they are, they disappear because they know you cant be duped any longer by him. I set up my blog only to hit a brick wall, after 42 years of questioning who i was, all of a sudden the answers seemed to come thick and fast creating a grid lock in my head. The borderline traits answers a lot of questions for me. I sure did And until I met him I didnt know what a narcissist was so I had no reference. However, if they dont want to see him, I wouldnt go out on a limb for him unless there is some sort of court order in place. RodMan, thanks for your insight. | Let Me Reach with Kim Saeed,,d.aWw,, The Narcissist, the Ex, and the New Girlfriend The Art of Triangulation | Let Me Reach with Kim Saeed, The REAL Reason the Narcissist Comes Back After No Contact | freefromnarcissisticabuse, Vanilla Sky Unreality with the Narcissist | Let Me Reach with Kim Saeed, FAQ Friday 5 Common Questions About the Common Narcissist | Let Me Reach with Kim Saeed. Im struggling to get closure. I couldnt handle this so I blew up, he left me the second time over this woman, we divorced that year, he said he had fallen out of love with me because I had become this crazy non trusting woman, and I had hurt him to the poin that something had snapped inside. Now, I feel that if one is to be a friend, that they might want to extend their friendship to me as well. lol Not as easy as i first thought. Perhaps you hadnt heard from them in ages, and suddenly the narcissist comes back after months? What I now feel is like my whole sense of self has been suddenly truncated I am feeling a confusing mix of things affronted by the ease with this seeming resolution full of anger at how its affected me not to say the ambiguities I face relinking to the group as a whole I sent a contribution into the forum where they all are the other day a simple comment about something normal just like before exactly what I have missed so much some replied some talked about other stuff others started other threads it was like looking in on a room full of people chatting being excluded from that room for what is 18 months and now being able to walk in and talk like nothing has happened has made me really sad inside for the meaninglessness of it all how hard it is when this is used as a weapon manipulating and controlling a persons connectedness is a powerful and painful weapon it really hurts, none of the stress depression anxiety simply goes up in smoke I am mindful too that dealing with those things is now made more difficult given the blurring of the framework that formed them those feelings have been orphaned in a way, left out on their own, I think a big risk now for me is that I bury them try to move on without addressing them, if I was to say what I am full of at this moment it is confused anger, I did not reconnect so much as simply accept his offer of a fresh start in the sense that it was simply an idea I dont have to and dont see this person in my life the offer and its manifestation in my life was fully abstract, What happened was strange though and I am not sure I fully understand it but after he offered this fresh start and I got over the surprise and the sense that it was unexpected after he reconnected me to all the online forums that I had been banned from my sense of connection to the sport we had shared simply evaporated, It was as if in the years while there was abuse that that in itself became the thing that defined my connection to hang gliding in those years 2013/2014 my mind was fully preoccupied with the affront of having been ostracised running endlessly over how and why over how all the others seemed to simply accept it however they may have sympathised with me on a one on one level, I had initially thought I would just slowly pick up where I left off but its not working that way its almost as if I have been dumped in a way that the narcissist finally tired of the abuse and turned round and walked off the energy of the abusive link has gone and with it my link to flying flying I had had to step back from because of a need for No Contact. I am so glad I found this blog! After those promisses with tears in his eyes? He couldnt take it if I countered his opinions or discarded his advice about MY life. PLEASE, DONT TAKE IT AS AN EXUSE, NC should be implemented, because WATEVER INTENTIONS ARE ONE CANNOT STAY IN RELATIONSIPS WITH BPD. Then, she blocks me. Shes the youngest of 5 with 4 older brothers. That comment really rubs me the wrong way. We got back together and she told me it was over with the other guy because he had a temper and used drugs. I dont know how to be fair to my girls and to myself in this situation. They fear strong women. Telling him hes a Narc would only gets his back up and make him attack like a snake. I will never see my loving daughter again from this mess, as she is studying in France. Also, my husbands girlfriend was beaten very badly by her alcoholic ex and she has a special needs child. Again, best of luck to you . I caught him once again lying about a girl and still does. Reblogged this on Living Life Creatively and commented: One month of No Contact and my ex hasn't contacted me yet. I dont understand why he really doesnt leave me . I read once that the nice narcs are truly wolves in sheep clothing. I want to have a loving partner and its making me self sabotage in ways that I cant even explain. I grew weary waiting to see what my married narcissist might do. A clever narcissist learns that he can use his cell phone as a tool for juggling multiple relationships and for keeping one relationship from ever . This all came to a head when I found out she didnt have 2 children she had 4! What a miserable life. I no longer qualified as a suitable actor. And all the good times we had, because he did treat me very well (u can read my her posts). The time line fits the puzzle. So, by being straight and cutting him out for good, you took back the power. There is hope for the victims. Why is this important?? So we might all be HURTING REAL BAD right now but as much as it hurts & oh boy does it hurt & each & every one of you out there will know exactly what that feels like, I personally would rather be me & hurt this much than be like one of them !!.. I myself went three months w/o contact before I caved in and agreed to a disastrous conversation. Kim, is it safe to say that one of the main differences between a NPD and BPD (besides the fear of abandonment) is that BPD behavior is more on the non-malignant side and NPD IS malignant? The jab at your mental healthis rather nauseating. -Seemingly secretive behavior Sort of creepy really. He is very educated and charming (a playwright). The narcissists jealousy will lead them to want to drag you back down to the level you were at when you were together. Where you can .. on. I have not spoken to her in over three months now, and have not sent out a text since April 1st. I was so depressed. He was cool and calm and thought he was in control until I declined his offer with certainty. : I go to the park next to my house in the morning before work to relax. When he was leaving me, i asked him what he wanted to do with the brand new freezer hed bought me to replace mine that quit two months prior and he told me to keep it. Nothing. Thus resulting in devaluation of myself and allowing her to walk over me. You cant control the narcissist or know what he or she is thinking. I know that she lies to everyone in her life. (or so im told) To escape this situation she married an older man. He however denies everything categorically. I feel bad a baby was brought into this and that they lasted a long time so far . And the story will repeat again, maybe shell catch him and get out instead of staying like I did for 4 years. If he can still affect you, if he knows you are monitoring his actions, feeling bad or upset that he has not contacted you, he will use this period to manipulate you. There was no intimate way of the two of them in the pictures, but she also emailed him how fun it would be to get a hotel room together in Daytona for an upcoming show. I knew I loved this person and I felt deep in my heart his sadness and loneliness (so was my understanding.) Hes like you wont fight? It was as if his mind completely changed and he realized I already knew too much and there was no going back. Especially because your son is involved. proclamations of us even though one has made it clear there is no US (dont know if FREEATLAST did too, but noticed same wording in her exs letter), And then there is, of course, his Christian concern that I be relieved of my bitterness and anger (on the surface sounds like good things)but meanwhile not genuinely acknowledging the tragic and deeply wounding things he did to me to cause any bitterness or anger. which of course now everything makes sense to me. Mine was of all things a And repeat what you have already said if you feel you have to reply. I found out of her web of lies when discussing the issues with mutual friends that had loyalty to me. The narcissist starts to panic now that his narcissistic supply is failing.# This actually naturally occurs with people who are narcissistic. I would have worked with her on that. I know that I wanted the school year to end but being apart from you is not what I had in mind. Recently, I heard him lecturing our daughter about her relationships with friends, family, cousins, and communication. then i am flothing around a pink cloud. He told me the other day he is having a relation with a man now!! She lied, triangulated relationships, love bombed me in the very beginning, kept me compartmentalized (we were 330 miles apart), would make countless empty promises, disappeared from my life without warning on three occasions for a month or two. Everytime he sent a message just to say hey he would include i miss you and it would send me back into the past, missing him and wondering why things couldnt be the way we wanted. Of course this last time is a completely different situation. Our family had never fallen out until Dad died. While he has his Triumph. Barb, if you truly need to go back to your hometown, then try not to bother yourself with what your Ex and other people might be saying. Thats exactly how my knowing of his NPD surfaced. Hi CJ, he sounds like a Narc I dated a few years ago. He talked and messaged 3 girls from his job continuously in the consecutive years. Him and I have a son who will be three tomorrow. He was a 6 4 gym freak who made her feel safe and laugh until it hurt. But as was the case with you, and all the partners they had before you, the new supply will eventually be devalued and discarded, too. Narcissists pull the ghost card because they see it as a recharging period for their ex-partner. A few months later the bosses ex wife called me and told me the affair had started while we were still living together. Her sickness is ALL HER. They are so patient like a wild animal waiting to strike. Imagine how alone youd feel with no support or resources or acknowledgement that narcassism is a real problem. Child is best for child and for you in Abuse and CoDependency Recovery going through similar I am not an expert but serious watch this lady Lisa A Romano (married twice to 2 Narcissists and watch Ross Rosenburg counselor super aware too). They may initiate contact again with that person, almost as if no time has passed. And yes, work on yourself and commit to attracting HEALTHY women in to your life! I have been with him for almost 2 years. I found that telling mine that I had figured out he was a Narc/Sociopath scared him off. well, i guess i still have a lot to learn! I still think of him, sometimes daily. This one I am still dealing with has been a nightmare to come to terms with from an emotional standpoint. He could be very supportive and I joked that he was a woman whisperer a kind of guy that there was some reciprocity there he could listen just as well as he would talk. Wow, the reality and truism of this sucks but thats what happens when you fall for a Narc. When I showed him one OUNCE of kindness he proceeded to the next level of his plan by sending the love song. Her voice sounded as though she never left high school. I have a protection order but he doesnt care. Once you can accept this truth, that they will not change for all the love in the world then you are on your way. Narcissists never stop hungering for power, control, and self-gratification. Please understand how much I wish that I could process this whole situation in a far clearer way than I have. I had been in an on and off again relationship with my Narc for 25 years and I finally broke free. I thought that, but no just new supply and they will get it too eventually. The best thing for you would be to go completely No Contact and sever the ties with this person. But, I took him back, through out our relationship he seemed so desperate for female attention, massive amounts of porn, talking about sex with girls, behind my back, secrets and lies that are now coming to shine. I can certainly see that point of view and I have no doubt that this is mostly unconscious in those who are non-malignant. Think, after all he has said and done why give him the right to have access to any part of you and your life? Hi, Ive been involved with a covert narcissist sociopath in my small neighborhood. I let my ex N in as a friend. And youre further entagling yourself with him/her, with phone service, transportation of sorts, housing, credit commitments, and for the sake of whatever you rush into the commitment, but you take your time getting out, and b4 you know it lots of damage us dun. But yes, I agree that both men and women with narcissistic disorders cause massive amounts of damage to the ones that cared for them. Being in his presence makes me feel sick to my stomach even after all this time!! I miss my son so badly. He also used someone elses phone number, which I looked up on googlemaps to see the location cause I dont answer numbers I dont recognize. -Financial Exploitation. We were together for 4 1/2 yrs. Sally. The DSM just want to be politically correct. So whatever it is, it is an Extremly Powerful Drug that they silently inject & Seduce us all with, A Truly Awful, EVIL Experience Maybe i get weak when he come back again and again because i am creeving to let go off a dream. Just to demonstrate I am including a note from my ex too. Even if I do not go to prison or die, there is nothing to support my family and that nothing can be changed. Wild animal waiting to strike I dont understand why he really doesnt leave me dont know how to fair... Occasionally every blue moon thought of her web of lies when discussing the issues with mutual friends that loyalty... Contact again with that person, almost as if no time has passed are truly in... 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