The two sites, Viosca Knoll 826 (VK826) and Viosca Knoll 862-906 (VK862-906) are located on the upper DeSoto Slope subprovince. For Viosca Knoll 862/906, ELB recorded 168 data points and 2 vessels while VMS recorded 8 data points corresponding to 2 bottom longline vessels and 13 data points corresponding to 2 bandit rig vessels. An interesting aspect of the platform populations is the known age of the structures, which sets a maximum age boundary on the corals as well. Option c: “Prohibit bottom tending gear in the Viosca Knoll 862/906 HAPC. Viosca Knoll 862. Within the Viosca Knoll 862/906 area, the gear deployment prohibitions do not apply to a fishing vessel issued a Gulf royal red shrimp endorsement, as specified in 50 CFR 622.50(c), while fishing for royal red shrimp. Although encountering an oil zone, the well was deemed marginally economic. Download larger version (jpg, 525 KB). For Viosca Knoll 862/906, ELB recorded 168 data points and 2 vessels while VMS recorded 8 data points and 2 bottom longline vessels. Establishes Viosca Knoll 862/906 as a habitat area of particular concern with regulations prohibiting fishing with bottom-tending gear, but allows royal red shrimp fisherman to keep their nets in the water, but off the bottom, in this area. Viosca Knoll 862 (VK862) Viosca Knoll 862 29.06 -88.23 315 23 17 17 0.261 Viosca Knoll 826 (VK826) North 29.16 -88.02 455 31 24 74 0.169 South 29.10 -88.01 462 58 50 Total 128 104 104 0.188 Southeastern U.S. (SEUS) Miami Terrace (MTR) Pourtales 24.25 -81.79 344 3 3 15 0.211 North 26.10 -79.84 287 9 5 East 25.70 -79.87 350 7 7 Cape Canaveral (CCN) St. Lucie Bump 27.21 -79.60 700 4 4 24 … There are numerous platforms in close proximity to the VK reefs. The Viosca Knoll Haza*d Study has been reviewed by Mr. Phil Hosemann, Sohio's Regional Geophysicist. Prior to Walter’s discovery, several operators had drilled wells on the block, but none had encountered hydrocarbons. While several previous wells had been drilled on the block, commercial reserves had not been established. mobile vs sessile, lecithotrophic vs planktotrophic larvae) whereas similar population structure patterns among species within the same habitat may indicate that physical forces such as prevailing currents, temperature, and/or pressure regimes may be influencing the recruitment and settlement of all inhabitants in kind. Viosca Knoll 862 was Morakami’s first subsea oil project as well as one of the company’s early horizontal well completions. Often many kilometers of seabed unsuitable for settlement and survival separate these islands of life. This paper documents extensive deep reef ecosystems composed of DSC and rocky hard-bottom recently surveyed on the West Florida Slope (WFS, eastern GOM) during six research … Leiopathes sp. The result should be a much more comprehensive picture of connectivity patterns and should allow assessment of the ecological importance of artificial reefs to the longevity of natural populations. Sample ID and location for specimens collected between 2003 and 2009 within the Gulf of Mexico from 2 different sites on the upper De Soto Slope subprovince, viz. Disclaimer The bacterial communities from VK826 were dominated by a variety of unknown mycoplasmal members of the Tenericutes and Bacteroidetes, whereas the libraries from VK906/862 were dominated by members of the Proteobacteria. In addition … At this site, the corals had less-calcified, fragile skeletons (“gracilis” morphotype [ 12 ]), and there was no hydrocarbon seepage. (VK-826 in yellow square on right and VK-862/906 on left). Deployment of a bottom longline, bottom trawl, buoy gear, dredge, pot, or trap, and bottom anchoring by fishing vessels are prohibited year-round in the area of the HAPC. Molecular analysis of bacterial diversity showed a marked difference between the two study sites, Viosca Knoll 906/862 (VK906/862) and Viosca Knoll 826 (VK826). Viosca Knoll Block 862 Page 2 A shallow hazard report entitled "Hazard Study Blocks 860, 861. Mississippi Canyon 118. The single photomosaic at the Viosca Knoll 862 site (VK862) is on a topographic high of exposed carbonate rock. The Coelacanth Field (Ewing Bank 834) is located approximately 125 miles south of New Orleans in a water depth of 1195’. The Coelacanth platform is the third-tallest structure of its kind in the Gulf of Mexico—roughly 150 feet taller than the Eiffel Tower. NMFS notes that shrimp vessels fishing in Viosca Knoll 862/906 are mainly those fishing for royal red shrimp. Molecular analysis of bacterial diversity showed a marked difference between the two study sites, Viosca Knoll 906/862 (VK906/862) and Viosca Knoll 826 (VK826). Establish Viosca Knoll 862/906 as an HAPC with regulations prohibiting fishing with bottom tending gear, but allow royal red shrimp fisherman to keep their nets in the water in this area. This data showed a more promising anomaly at 20,000 feet, deeper than any existing well had penetrated. Population connectivity is the exchange of individuals among geographically separated populations. Figure 2. The field produced 168 billion cubic feet of gas and 8 million barrels of oil before it was abandoned in 2008. Establish Viosca Knoll 862/906 as an HAPC with regulations prohibiting fishing with bottom tending gear, but allow royal red shrimp fisherman to keep their nets in the water in this area. Image courtesy of Skytruth, . The SS332A platform is located in Ship Shoal Block 332 in the Central Gulf of Mexico (Figure 2). Website Satisfaction Survey The … In the North Sea, significant Lophelia has been documented on numerous oil and gas platforms and these populations have been called an ‘oasis on the sea bed where life is relatively sparse’ (Gass & Roberts, 2004). What is the origin and age of the gray basal reef rock containing subfossil L. pertusa and bivalve inclusions? NMFS notes that shrimp vessels fishing in Viosca Knoll 862/906 are mainly those fishing for royal red shrimp. Within the Viosca Knoll 862/906 area, the gear deployment prohibitions do not apply to a fishing vessel issued a Gulf royal red shrimp endorsement, as specified in 50 CFR 622.50(c), while fishing for royal red shrimp. U.S. Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Oil and Gas Platforms and Lophelia Connectivity in the Gulf. Privacy Policy The Viosca Knoll Haza*d Study has been reviewed by Mr. Phil Hosemann, Sohio's Regional Geophysicist. This amendment establishes 13 new habitat areas of particular concern with fishing regulations that prohibit deployment of bottom-tending gear and anchoring by fishing vessels. Scattered live L. pertusa thickets grow on large carbonate boulders with abundant anemones, Callogorgia americana delta , bamboo corals (Isididae), antipatharians, and an unidentified species of hexactinellid sponge. Back in the lab, we will use variable genetic markers developed for Lophelia to obtain a ‘genetic fingerprint’ for each sample. The known age of the structures also allows for growth rate studies. The Lophelia colonies at the Gulfpenn Wreck site exhibit 4.6 meters (15 feet) of vertical relief along the superstructure. 8.2) was collected from Viosca Knoll 906/862 (VK-906/862) during Dive 4744 at 307 m depth. Coral Amendment 9. Viosca Knoll 862. Natural cold seep sites greater than 1,000 meters depth are shown in green. Non-proprietary 2-D seismic data revealed strong amplitude anomalies nearby, prompting the drilling of a second well into the adjacent block 37, which yielded a total of 170’ of gas. Summary: Video clip of a Rosy Dory in about 500 metres off the Canary Islands. Source: Steve W. Ross / USGS DISCOVRE Expedition Gulf of Mexico. At this site, the corals had less-calcified, fragile skeletons (“gracilis” morphotype [12]), and there was no hydrocarbon seepage. GOM oil and gas lease blocks Viosca Knoll 826 (VK826, 415–480 m depths) and Viosca Knoll 862/906 (VK862/906, 310–440 m depths) in the north-central GOM, approximately 37 km apart , were previously reported to exhibit the most extensive DSC accumulations in the GOM (Schroeder and Brooke, 2011). Chapter 3. The annual rental required by 30 CFR 250.1012 shall continue to be due and payable in December of each calendar year. Establishes Viosca Knoll 862/906 as a habitat area of particular concern with regulations prohibiting fishing with bottom-tending gear, but allows royal red shrimp fisherman to keep their nets in the water, but off the bottom, in this area. Louisiana, will be generattd by tht work boat, rrew boat and helicopter. Less than a month later, the Deepwater Horizon caught fire, shutting down all deepwater drilling in the Gulf of Mexico. The bacterial communities from VK826 were dominated by a variety of unknown mycoplasmal members of the Tenericutes and Bacteroidetes, whereas the libraries from VK906/862 were dominated by members of the Proteobacteria. The deep ocean is often thought of as a vast expanse, devoid of substantial biota save for rare oases (i.e., hydrothermal vents, cold seeps, seamounts, deep water reefs). These two areas, if the boundaries are kept as the working group presented would significantly affect the royal red shrimp fishery. Within the current Pulley Ridge HAPC, establish a new HAPC with fishing regulations prohibiting all fishing with bottom tending gear, except for long line gear. Source: Steve W. Ross / USGS DISCOVRE Expedition Gulf of Mexico. … This paper documents extensive deep reef ecosystems composed of DSC and rocky hard-bottom recently surveyed on the West Florida Slope (WFS, eastern GOM) during six research … The areas around this HAPC are used to fish for royal red shrimp. In 2008, a non-proprietary 3D survey with better acquisition parameters, allowing for deeper imaging, was purchased. 2. The best development of DSCs in the GOM was previously documented within Viosca Knoll oil and gas lease blocks 826 and 862/906 (north-central GOM) and on the Campeche Bank (southern GOM in Mexican waters). 3 - 1 QUANTITATIVE DEFINITION OF VIOSCA KNOLL BIOTOPES AVAILABLE TO FISHES OF THE CONTINENTAL SLOPE, 325-500 M, NORTHERN GULF OF MEXICO Kenneth J. Sulak, April D. Norem, Kirsten E. Luke, Michael T. Randall, and Jana M. Miller Key words: Lophelia reefs, fish habitat, megafauna, biotopes, Viosca Knoll, … Viosca Knoll 862 was Walter’s first subsea oil project as well as one of the company’s early horizontal well completions. Viosca Knoll 862 Viosca Knoll 862 1995 1,043 Walter Producing 1995 SS Virgo Viosca Knoll 823 1997 1,137 W&T Producing 1999 FP Vito Mississippi Canyon 984 2009 4,038 Shell Appraisal Vortex Atwater Valley 261 2002 8,340 Anadarko Producing 2007 SS West Navajo East Breaks 689 2002 3,905 Anadarko Producing 2003 SS West Tonga Green Canyon 726 2007 4,700 Anadarko Producing 2012 SS Who Dat … The areas around this proposed HAPC are used to fish for royal red shrimp. Fishing for royal red shrimp occurs in deep waters During this cruise, we plan to use the Kraken II remotely operated vehicle to sample Lophelia corals from five to six platforms. While still imperfectly imaged due to the mudflow, Walter believed the new data indicated that prior wells had just missed a major hydrocarbon accumulation. Report an Error, Site Index The platform processes production from EPN's VK817 field and from the Walter Oil & Gas deepwater field in Viosca Knoll Block 862. The platform processes production from EPN's VK817 field and from the Walter Oil & Gas deepwater field in Viosca Knoll Block 862. (k) Viosca Knoll 862/906 HAPC. How the inhabitants of these rare biodiversity hotspots manage to disperse, colonize, and thrive under such seemingly unfavorable conditions is of great interest to many scientists. GOM-JSL04-4734-BC1 7/23/04 Viosca Knoll 862 29°06.22’ 88°23.05’ 310 Table 1. One of the sites, VK862-906, is in close proximity to the site reported from the 1950’s field sampling by Moore and Bullis. This map shows the Viosca Knoll area of the Gulf, where the most developed natural Lophelia reefs exist (VK-826 in yellow square on right and VK-862/906 on left). The initial well on block 36 logged 60’ of gas in two Miocene reservoirs. This area lacked visible seep megafauna. Jack Golden. Viosca Knoll 906/862 (VK906/862) was at a depth horizon of 315 m and con-tained many small isolated colonies of Lophelia (13). The platform serves as a junction platform for EPN's Viosca Knoll Gathering System and hosts a Taurus 60 driven gas compressor and a slug catcher for the Ram Powell gas pipeline. The single photomosaic at the Viosca Knoll 862 site (VK862) is on a topographic high of exposed carbonate rock. A map of the areas and associated coordinates can be found here. 860, 862, and 905 will be submitted at a later date. Through comparisons of shared genetic diversity among these sites, we concluded that connectivity appeared high among these sites that spanned about 370 kilometers in the northern Gulf. Viosca Knoll Area Block 862 Platform A Viosca Knoll Area Block 817 Pursuant to 30 CFR 250.1000(b), Walter’s application is hereby approved subject to the following conditions: 1. It was more than a year before drilling could resume. By Cheryl L. Morrison and Dr. Katharine Coykendall - U.S. Geological Survey, Leetown Science Center. Therefore, one of our primary research objectives in the Lophelia II project is to assess patterns of population connectivity among natural and potential artificial reefs in the Gulf of Mexico. Molecular analysis of bacterial diversity showed a marked difference between the two study sites, Viosca Knoll 906/862 (VK906/862) and Viosca Knoll 826 (VK826). While several previous wells had been drilled on the block, commercial reserves had not been established. The best development of DSCs in the GOM was previously documented within Viosca Knoll oil and gas lease blocks 826 and 862/906 (north-central GOM) and on the Campeche Bank (southern GOM in Mexican waters). This map shows the Viosca Knoll area of the Gulf, where the most developed natural Lophelia reefs exist. Bottom tending gear is defined as: bottom longline, bottom trawl, buoy gear*, dredge, pot or trap, and bottom anchoring by fishing vessels. Site Info, Office of Ocean Exploration and Research Fortunately, Viosca Knoll 906/862 and 826 are listed in the BOEM database of seismic anomalies which means they are protected from drilling and oil infrastructure within 1.24 miles of … Another well was directionally drilled, finding nine productive oil and gas sands, totaling 450’ of hydrocarbon pay. Attachment B 1s a letter from Mr. Hosemann In which he agrees with John Chance's conclusions and addresses shallow hazards at proposed well sites. Viosca Knoll 906/862 (VK906/862) was at a depth horizon of 315 m and con-tained many small isolated colonies of Lophelia (13). GOM-JSL04-4734-BC1 7/23/04 Viosca Knoll 862 29°06.22’ 88°23.05’ 310 Table 1. 7 . It is literally a wall of coral. Fishermen possessing a royal red shrimp endorsement that are deploying royal red shrimp fishing gear are exempt from the prohibition on deployment of bottom-tending gear. We are also examining connectivity patterns in the squat lobster, Eumunida picta, which is a common inhabitant of Lophelia reefs. There are numerous platforms in close proximity to the VK reefs. Since corals require hard substrate, such as rocks, to settle and grow, reef formation may be limited by space availability. Establish Viosca Knoll 862/906 as a habitat area of particular concern with regulations prohibiting fishing with bottom tending gear, but allow royal red shrimp fisherman to keep their nets in the water in this area. At this site, the corals had. There are numerous platforms in close proximity to the VK reefs. At this site, the corals had less-calcified, fragile skeletons (“gracilis” morphotype [ 12 ]), and there was no hydrocarbon seepage. Petronius Viosca Knoll 786 1995 1,754 Chevron Producing 2000 CT Phoenix Green Canyon 236 1998 1,969 Helix (ERT) Producing 2010 FPU Phobos Sigsbee Escarpment 39 2013 8,500 Anadarko Appraisal Pluto/BS&T Mississippi Canyon 718 1995 2,748 Apache Producing 1999 SS Pompano Viosca Knoll 990 1985 1,290 Stone Energy Producing 1994 FP The Lophelia II expeditions have taken us to several additional natural reefs (Garden Banks 535, Mississippi Canyon 751, VK 906 and the West Florida Slope), increasing our geographic coverage to approximately 900 kilometers in the Gulf. For benthic organisms such as corals, connectivity occurs when larvae from one population disperse via ocean currents to another population, where they settle, grow, and reproduce, therefore contributing to the new population and linking the populations through shared genetic makeup. The dominant taxa at both the VK862 and VK906 sites, in terms of numbers and biomass, are anemones. Lophelia II 2012: Deepwater Platform Corals: Background: Oil and … Subscribe In 1989, Walter farmed in and discovered the South Marsh Island 36/37 Field. Shipwrecks and oil platforms in the Gulf may serve as artificial reefs that attract fishes and invertebrates. The field, which includes parts of WD 106 and 107, has produced 18 million barrels of oil and 112 billion cubic feet of gas to date. Some of the questions addressed were: 1. A second platform was installed over this well, simplifying subsequent operations. The bacterial communities from VK826 were dominated by a variety of unknown mycoplasmal members of the Tenericutes and Bacteroidetes, whereas the libraries from VK906/862 were dominated by members of the Proteobacteria. were Viosca Knoll 862/906 and Viosca Knoll 826. usgs-ofr-2008-1148 master appendix b page 1 of 1 master appendix b table 1.8: sediment samples usgs 2004-2006 lophelia investigation raw data archive cruise station date site name usgs-gm-2004-03 jsl-4744 7/30/04 viosca knoll 906-862 The orange dots are oil platforms and the orange lines represent pipelines. Feet ) of vertical relief along the superstructure rock containing subfossil L. pertusa and bivalve inclusions flextrend and deepwater and. 150 feet taller than the Eiffel Tower first leased the block, commercial reserves had not been established as... Diversity, and our results may be the driving force behind population structure and genetic diversity, of. 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