So many people can already have that right. PLAESE people,stop spreading false information about something you do not know about OK. Freya Cesare from Borneo Island, Indonesia on November 02, 2011: Wow! Dear Africans You Shd Take Note That Every African Leader Who Opposes The Whites Is Could A Dictator, Is Not Only Gaddafi But Also There Are Other Leader Who Are Said To Be Dictators Bse They Oppose The Whites Such As Robert Mugambe etc Who oppose homosexuality and were called dictators. after reading this article it really open up my eye about reality .. Perhaps Muammar Gaddafi was a favorite of God. The sale of Libyan oil is credited directly to the bank accounts of all Libyan citizens in proportion.12. Libya will own nothing (Gold, Oil, Natural resources, etc) because 'the powers that be' will take everything then tax you into oblivion, and it will be easy because your politicians will sell you out if they haven't already. Never fail in hospitality and politeness. Gaddafi was against Islam, all those who feared their lives under his rule were either terrorists or Supporters, That Simple. This was one “oppressor” whose subjects had enough. If Libyans eanted to take up farming as a career, the government funded people form the equipment to seeds, all for free. We do not know much about him or about libya because most of the time we are just concerned of ourselves. and actually instead of doing these things, he promised us and promised the world he'd do in libya, he killed, rapped, stole and murdered Libyans for no actual reason. Whenever I watch television or read news, in most cases I read negative things about him. The last time the report was released with Gaddafi in power, Libya was ranked 53 of 163 countries with comparable data. That is why so many in the West fear the combining of Sharia law and democracy. Ghadaffi was also in the process of creating a United States of Africa (google all of this stuff! The west always had their eyes on the oil rich countries. Nobody blames them, because every human has a right to live peacefully, and not how someone else wants them to live. Libya had none. If UKA sells any of its resource ( Export ) inflow Currency must be in a form of GOLD. 4. He had to die this way because he tortured his congregations. Gaddafi was a bad leader point blank period because of the atrocities committed against his own people. Despite his controversial government, Gaddafi came to represent an important figure for anti-imperialist struggles for his position mainly against the U.S. and the policies carried out from Washington on the … How shameful is that? agree i think that is the reason why he was killed the way he was killed. They wait for a chance to invade these countries and set up their puppet governments in theses countries. Gaddafi deserved what he did. Trying to force regime change at the barrel of a gun or through economic sanctions is doomed to failure. He was a prey of the conspiracy of the west. All newly married people in Libya receive US$ 50,000 by the government to buy their first home to help the new family.5. Today the figure is around 83%. He died because he refused to play the world banking system game and because he was not behind the New World Order, nor the UN. I need peace in all Arab nations n they should understand that they human being not animals where they pull with rope on the neck. Safe, yes it was MUCH safer than right now. The little unemployed there was were given good welfare payments. Libya has no debt externally and its reserves amounts to $150 billion – now globally frozen.10. not a lot. he took away homes instead of giving them, his son '' Seif Al Aslam'' Rapped newly married girls just they were attractive to him. He vowed that he would not secure a house for his own parents until every citizen had one. Did not see this wealth of Shea in Libya infrastructure in Libya have been totally destroyed and the money scattered outside Libya, such as Africa and other. Do your homework before post. 40% of Libyans are unemployed....if a Libyan works for the government,he/she gets a salary that barly keeps them going for the month. I'm not Libyan so I can't confirm whether Gaddafi was a bad guy or say whether he has done terrible things but he wasn't the worst dictator in the world, definitely not the worst dictator in the Africa and not even the worst dictator in the Sahara if you count Omar al-Bashir. 9. IF WE ARE NOT KEEN. If anything he should of been left in power because there are far worse dictators out there. He did more for his country than most presidents ever do and yet we blasted him at every step. America is a pawn for the NWO and the Rothchilds. In 2011, Staveley Head, a UK-based provider of insurance products compiled a list of countries with the lowest petrol prices in the world. The government of Libya had plans to use that Gold for the development of the country, only if Qaddafi & Co, his allies wouldn’t have literally looted and hidden it for no good or of any use for the people of the country. Just to give perspective on this incredible murder by government, if all these bodies were laid head to toe, with the average height being 5', then they would circle the earth ten times. A response to this claim by Masareef Edareeya, Beyond Gaddafi: Libya’s Governance Context, were free to work and dress as they liked, Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) confirmed, Did he keep his dead victims in coolers as trophies of his macabre exploits, Study in New Zealand 2020: Top 8 univers…, Top 10 Most Educated African Presidents …, Top 10 Most Developed Countries in Afric…, Hundreds of South Africans Received Port…, 5 Ideas How to Write a Perfect Business …, Pfizer’s Scandal in Nigeria – How An Exp…, Africa’s Mobile Money Industry Keeps Gro…, The Importance of Leveraging Social List…, How to Choose the Best TV Unit Designs f…. That is a moot point but the fact remains: Libya was a great place to stay under Gaddafi (provided one did not try to usurp power). The Main cause of Gadaffi Death as follows; 1. Did he keep his dead victims in coolers as trophies of his macabre exploits? Was Gaddafi a dictator? The HDI provides a composite measure of health, education and income. However, he also had a heart for his country and the world conveniently skips that part every time. Due to the western banking system controlled by the Rothschilds, Rockerfellers and Morgans and World Bank, IMF and Federal Reserve driven policies billions of poor people are starving all over the world. They have no idea what is happening. Libyan situation and Islam are different things. I guess the reason is greediness for fuel resources. And was unjustly murdered, over the fears over the propositions of the 'Gold Dinar' currency. Gaddafi vowed his … Also, this democide murdered 6 times more people than died in combat in all the foreign and internal wars of the century. till his death). They tax us and then do scams of billions. I feel sad for the innocent people. How is Libya now??? To break the mould and for the West to infiltrate the Middle East, 'democracy' is an easy weapon to use, or you could also call it 'propaganda'. By no means! Western domcracy will never work in the conservative middle East though, I think what needs to happen is scholars need to sit down and rework western democracy to fit Islamic needs. Mind if i share on twitter? Copyright © The African Exponent. Despite the gruesome details, nothing should cloud our joy at the departure of Libya’s loathsome dictator. The comedian George Carlin was 100% right when he said '' forget the politicians, politicians were put there to make us think we have a choice we don't we have owners.''. because none of these things that '' gaddafi '' said, was actually done. A family would get US $ 5,000 if they had a new baby to support the childs upbringing. But the Rothschild dont lead nations. If he is a bad leader y he raised his idea as UKA in the Universal Important CON. Gous Ahmed (author) from Muslim Nation on November 10, 2011: The thing with this post is that the list makes Gaddafi look good and the Libyan people bad. Gaddafi's father has died while him, his wife and his mother were still living in a tent. so he was killed by US forces who want the world to run under worst Paper currency which has no value if it is rejected by the government, E.G. What about the sale of weapons to the IRA? The list above shows that, if he actually kept to the provision of the list, Muammar Gaddafi tried to provide for the people of Libya as much as he could. The citizens did not have the luxury of voting but Gaddafi made sure they had a high standard of living to compensate for curtailed freedoms. Democratic? Universal access to primary education was achieved in a relatively short space of time under Gaddafi. Gaddafi’s Green Book categorically stated, “The house is a basic need of both the individual and the family, therefore it should not be owned by others.” The Green Book was Gaddafi’s bible of political philosophy and had first been published in 1975. I do not know where you got your info from, but you are wrong on all counts. Gaddafi wasn't a good guy but at least Libya was an independent country that could sustain itself. Usually discriminate against others. The west blamed Gaddafi for the Lockerbie plane crash and America Britain and France have done far worse things than saddàm Hussain colonal Gaddafi chae and other so called tyrants together the west has double standards and are hypocrites. I hate war and violence. This is shameful. Although we are in the 21st century, Islam is a religion which is forever - I AM LAUGING MY ASS OFF READING THIS. 11. californialawyer from Georgia on October 28, 2011: The post really surprised me. Wow. Am watching the Libyan space!!!! For once, I would like to know why does America go into other countries, and demand what their government should be? The government subsidized 50% of the price of a new car if a Libyan wanted to buy their first car. Again Mercy Corps confirmed Gaddafi provided housing for newlyweds. He also sent money . Muammar Gaddafi was a great man. what Libyans did was full of ignorance n foolishness. Education really free and unfortunately very poorly either treatment is definitely not promising and the price of private clinics and Mrtbaatna affect our daily. There may be some political issues and that is why the West went to liberate Libya, and NOT Yemen, Egypt, Syria, Lebanon etc where the same thing was and is still going on!!! Gaddafi ruled for 42 years, leading Libya to a significant advance in social, political and economic matters that were recognized and admired by many African and Arab nations at the time. Did he violate the human rights of some citizens? In 2009, Libya was reported to be on track to achieve the Millennium Development Goals by 2015. What you know of the Quran (by heart)', Sahih Bukhari Volume 7, Book 62, Number 88. They are a selfish regime and innocent people die at their cost. Medical treatment and education are free in Libya. well actually i have heard the things told by hub author that to from Libyans them self so now u are making me confused any how what's done is done cause indeed Libya belong to Libyan people and now the only thing i want is to make sure that this thing don't get repeated again i.e democracy prevails. Free housing, medical care and education, for everyone. When the allies began to arm paid insurgents to destabilize the country over a million people marched in Tripoli and hundreds of thousands in other cities. 'Prophet' Muhammad is the only guy who married to a girl 6 years old when he was 43. All newly married people in Libya receive US $ 50,000 by the government to buy their first home to help the new family. Gadaffi Tried to excavate UKA idea in International Con. On 21 February 2011, Gaddafi launched a programme to privatize all Libyan oil to every citizen of Libya. BUT..on the other hand......I think we would rather live under a colonised country rather then under that have no idea what it was like.....we were unable to do anything......sometimes people would ask about a friend who would just go missing without anyone knowing what happened to him.....every time the people travel to Egypt or Tunisia we would have to bribe the soldiers who are patroling the borders as well as on the main road....The Mayor of my city (Benghazi) hung stydents on University of the students didn't die so she caught on his legs an PULLED him down stranglling him....these are just stories I know about. he panned English for a while, and they he started letting us learn English is grade 7 or 8. we had to study his Green Book, which is the country's stupid Constitution. Gous Ahmed (author) from Muslim Nation on January 24, 2012: Greg you need to do your homework before you post such lies! The very same reasons Hillary wants to nuke Russia. Then we would see revolution, what the did to Gaddafi it was not right, Arabs are stupid and fools, how can you kill your own leader, will there ever have that Gaddafi user to do to them.every things was free in Libya, you will never know the goodness of something a tel you missed it, Allah forgive the sins of Gaddafi and take him to Janna, even though i was just 15 at the time... i could see through all the bullshit and semantics.. of the media. Thank you for understanding G Miah......and yes it's true...Gadhafi was killed becuz he was trying to make the gold dener....whatever they say..that is the truth. till his death)." Democracy? In the same way Rich Country ( Developed), Average Waelthy Country ( Developing ) & Poor Country ( Yet to/Under Developed ). 2. ( NO Currency Only Gold ). Have you read and understood the life of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)? America's government controls what we see on tv. 'Democracy' is a weapon being used by the West gainst the Middle East to start protests and uprising by the people in those countries, because most of the Middle Eastern countries are still being ruled under the Islamic Sharia law. The world over has fallen to the control of the Western power simply because of the factors mentioned above, subsequently are weakened. Loans in Libya are free with 0% interest as banks are state owned. After he took power, he … No country leader should attack his own people. In 2009, Mr. Gaddafi invited the New York Times to Libya to spend two weeks observing the nation’s direct democracy. To put this into perspective, the self-acclaimed champion of democracy and capitalism, the USA has a debt of over $18 trillion. I do not accept the way of western people. Okay so wherever u got these information from, i am sorry but i have to say, you gotta also be sure that they did happen or not. 13. loaves of bread in Libya costs around $ 0.15. 11. The way he was killed can prevent people to follow his path. Libya has no external debt and its reserves amount to $150 billion – now frozen globally. pramodgokhale from Pune( India) on April 17, 2012: I agree welfare in Libya, but sometimes,people expect more and that is freedom of speech,liberal governance administration.In USSR and China they tried to keep people in communes or self reliant human colonies but later it failed.So people can not be kept in Barracks,they always want free breathing and that is freedom. 14 per liter. Sometimes we can not provide milk for our children is essential. Education and medical treatment were free. Women in Libya were free to work and dress as they liked, subject to family constraints. sent 4 boat loads of guns & Ammunition and SEMTEX which was what made the battle to oppose british rule possible. It was the richest and most successful country in Africa in citizens wealth and excellent hospitals and education. No system is perfect but most are imperfect and still expensive. The world reacts to the end of Colonel Gaddafi’s 42-year grip on Libya as the US warns of “difficult days ahead” following his death. If Libyans thought they had it bad before, they are in for a rude awakening. They have mastered the Mafia tactic, the combination of Christianity and democracy principles gunning to enrich themselves from the none of their own territories. 40 loaves of bread in Libya costs around $0.15.14. The Libyans traded one dictator for another except that Gaddafi was a … Prior to the “revolution” Libya was the richest African country, now 1 in 3 live below the poverty line. It is similar to the government in Bangladesh, they just milk the country out it's money and the people die of starvation. Gaddafi defended his government's actions by citing the need to support anti-imperialist and anti-colonial movements around the world. 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