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NGC 7000

NGC 7000 – North America Nebula


Date/time: 25.10.2008 22:15 to 26.10.2008 00:21
Az./Alt. positions: 278° / 58° to 295° / 39°
Ambient conditions: 0°C, transparency 4/5, seeing 3/5, late fog
Location: Trier, Germany

Telescope: TMB 92 SS f/5.5 without flattener
Mount: CGE, selfguided with ST-4000XCM
Camera: SBIG ST-4000XCM

Software: CCDSoft V5
FOV, Image scale: 102.8 x 102.8 arcmin, 3.01 arcs/pixel
Sub-exposures: 1h 40min (10 x 10min) light frames at –30°C
50 x 10min dark frames

Calibration and stacking in Images Plus 3.0, curves and levels adjustments in CS3,
noise reduction with Carbonis Actions, final sharpening in CS3

This was the second imaging session with the new APO. TMB mounted
on provisory Losmandy D8 dovetail, so balance in declination was
not possible, therefore some guiding problems. Strong light pollution
from street lights present. The oval stars in the corners are due to
the absence of a flattener.

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Filename: nebulae/ngc7000_2008-10-25_full.jpg
Filesize: 3674866 Kb
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