

 M 27 - The Dumbell Nebula


06.08.2010 22:35 to 07.08.2010 00:20
Az./Alt. positions: 154° / 68° to 182° / 69°
Ambient conditions: 20°C, transparency 5/5, seeing 4/5

Location: Villa Tatti, Tuscany, Italy

Telescope: Deltagraph 300mm f/3.3
Mount: CGE
Camera: SXVF-M25C
Guiding scope: Orion short tube 80mm f/5
Guiding camera: ATIK 16IC
Filters: IDAS LPS

Software: Maxim DL 5
FOV, Image scale: 62.5 x 54.8 arcmin, 1.62 arcs/pixel
Sub-exposures: 25 min (5 x 5min) light frames
No darks, 100 bias, 50x0.2s flats 

Images Plus 3.75: Calibration of light frames with bias and flats, DDP
Maxim DL: Stacking of calibrated frames with SDMask, color balance R85:G100:B120 
CS3: Levels, Carbonis Actions, Match Color

This was the first test object during my stay at Villa Tatti. The use of IDAS LPS filter increased
significantly the contrast and reduced the reddish background, even if we were in a dark site.
Only 25minutes yielded anyhow a fine picture. Drawback is the limitations of the CGE mount, so
at very high magnification we can see oval stars. 

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